Suicide Risk Assessment and Intervention Training (2 hr)


A brief overview on suicide risk assessment where participants will explore the issue of suicide, learn current suicide related statistics, understand suicide risk factors, learn how to assess for the level of suicide lethality, and a brief introduction to specific interviewing techniques for collecting accurate risk assessment information. Target Audience: Care providers and professionals. This […]

Event Series 211 Database Training

211 Database Training

In-person Walnut Creek, CA, United States

In-person monthly database trainings. If your organization is interested, we can also schedule a group training session. 211 database training is provided at no cost. Session Covers: - Different ways to search - How to share information to cell or email - Update your agency listing - Add a new program or agency listing - […]

Event Series 211 Database Training

211 Database Training

In-person Walnut Creek, CA, United States

In-person monthly database trainings. If your organization is interested, we can also schedule a group training session. 211 database training is provided at no cost. Session Covers: - Different ways to search - How to share information to cell or email - Update your agency listing - Add a new program or agency listing - […]

Suicide Risk Assessment and Intervention Training (2 hr)


A brief overview on suicide risk assessment where participants will explore the issue of suicide, learn current suicide related statistics, understand suicide risk factors, learn how to assess for the level of suicide lethality, and a brief introduction to specific interviewing techniques for collecting accurate risk assessment information. Target Audience: Care providers and professionals. This […]

Event Series 211 Database Training

211 Database Training

In-person Walnut Creek, CA, United States

In-person monthly database trainings. If your organization is interested, we can also schedule a group training session. 211 database training is provided at no cost. Session Covers: - Different ways to search - How to share information to cell or email - Update your agency listing - Add a new program or agency listing - […]